It all started Here
  The Wise Men Saw and followed The Star
  And  It  led  them  to
  The Manger Where Jesus Layed
  Then Jesus taught them the secret to knowing him:
  Mary  and Martha 
  They that  wait on the Lord Shall renew their strenght
Be still and   know he is God
Then He prayed to the Father
O my Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me,  nevertheless not as I will, but as thou wilt
Then he layed down his life for his sheep
And they  layed him down
And nailed Him to the Cross
And he said:
Father forgive them, they know not what they do  
It is Finished!
Then He rose   from the Dead 3 Days  later

and  he walked with them  on the road to Demaus

And spoke to them of all the things concerning him   from  moses to know

And   their  heart burned   in them!!

then he was lifted up
And sit on the right hand of the Father
And   his heart beats for us forever more
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