M A P   O F   G E O R G I A
Capital: Tbilisi (1.3 million inhabitants)
Total area:69,700 sq.km
Bordering states: Armenia 164 km, Azerbaijan 322 km, Russia 723 km, Turkey 252 km
Population: 5.57 million, 56% urban, 78 persons/sq. km
Ethnic composition: 69% Georgian, 9% Armenian, 6% Russian, 3% Ossetian, 2% Abkhazian
Independence: Georgia re-established its independence on April 9,1991
CIS membership status: The Georgian government joined the CIS on October 23, 1993
Constitution:A new constitution was adopted in August, 1995
Membership of the European Council: April 27,1999
Origins and Antiquity
Georgian Alphabet
Conversion of Georgia
Glimpses  at Architecture
Tbilisi, capital of Georgia
Map, Herb and Flag
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